Markdown Mindmap Vscode

All you need for Markdown (keyboard shortcuts, table of contents, auto preview and more).

One of the 'BEST' markdown preview extensions for Visual Studio Code - shd101wyy/vscode-markdown-preview-enhanced.

Table of Contents

  • Features
  • FAQ
Markdown mind map vs code


  • How to use Argdown code fences in Markdown.
  • In addition to typing code, vscode is also great as a markdown editor / writer tool! Pure text writing can make people immersed in the atmosphere of writing, without being interrupted by the adjustment of format and typesetting. There are many text editors for markdown on the market.
  • MarkMind — a mind map and outliner editor for Windows, Mac, Linux, andriod and ios,it support markdown in node. Mindmapp ⭐ 405 🚀 Web application to draw mind maps.

Keyboard shortcuts

(Typo: multiple words)

See full key binding list in the keyboard shortcuts section

Table of contents

  • Run command 'Create Table of Contents' to insert a new table of contents.

  • The TOC is automatically updated on file save by default. To disable, please change the toc.updateOnSave option.

  • The indentation type (tab or spaces) of TOC can be configured per file. Find the setting in the right bottom corner of VS Code's status bar.

    Note: Be sure to also check the list.indentationSize option.

  • To make TOC compatible with GitHub or GitLab, set option slugifyMode accordingly

  • Three ways to control which headings are present in the TOC:

    Click to expand
    1. Add <!-- omit in toc --> at the end of a heading to ignore it in TOC
      (It can also be placed above a heading)

    2. Use toc.levels setting.

    3. You can also use the toc.omittedFromToc setting to omit some headings (and their subheadings) from TOC:


      • Setext headings (underlined with or ---) can also be omitted, just put their # and ## versions in the setting, respectively.
      • When omitting heading, make sure headings within a document are unique. Duplicate headings may lead to unpredictable behavior.
  • Easily add/update/remove section numbering

  • In case you are seeing unexpected TOC recognition, you can add a <!-- no toc --> comment above the list.

List editing

Note: By default, this extension tries to determine indentation size for different lists according to CommonMark Spec. If you prefer to use a fixed tab size, please change the list.indentationSize setting.

Print Markdown to HTML

  • Commands Markdown: Print current document to HTMLand Markdown: Print documents to HTML (batch mode)

  • Compatible with other installed Markdown plugins (e.g. Markdown Footnotes)The exported HTML should look the same as inside VSCode.

  • Use comment <!-- title: Your Title --> to specify a title of the exported HTML.

  • Plain links to .md files will be converted to .html.

  • It's recommended to print the exported HTML to PDF with browser (e.g. Chrome) if you want to share your documents with others.

GitHub Flavored Markdown

  • Table formatter

    Note: The key binding is Ctrl + Shift + I on Linux. See Visual Studio Code Key Bindings.

  • Task lists


Please use Markdown+Math for dedicated math support. Be sure to disable math.enabled option of this extension.

Auto completions

Tip: also support the option completion.root

  • Images/Files (respects option search.exclude)

  • Math functions (including option katex.macros)

  • Reference links


  • Paste link on selected text

  • Override 'Open Preview' keybinding with 'Toggle Preview', which means you can close preview using the same keybinding (Ctrl + Shift + V or Ctrl + K V).

Available Commands

  • Markdown All in One: Create Table of Contents
  • Markdown All in One: Update Table of Contents
  • Markdown All in One: Add/Update section numbers
  • Markdown All in One: Remove section numbers
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle code span
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle code block
  • Markdown All in One: Print current document to HTML
  • Markdown All in One: Print documents to HTML
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle math environment
  • Markdown All in One: Toggle list
    • It will cycle through list markers (-, *, +, 1. and 1))

Keyboard Shortcuts

Ctrl/Cmd + BToggle bold
Ctrl/Cmd + IToggle italic
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + ]Toggle heading (uplevel)
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + [Toggle heading (downlevel)
Ctrl/Cmd + MToggle math environment
Alt + CCheck/Uncheck task list item
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + VToggle preview
Ctrl/Cmd + K VToggle preview to side

Supported Settings

markdown.extension.completion.respectVscodeSearchExcludetrueWhether to consider search.exclude option when providing file path completions
markdown.extension.completion.rootRoot folder when providing file path completions (It takes effect when the path starts with /)
markdown.extension.italic.indicator*Use * or _ to wrap italic text
markdown.extension.katex.macros{}KaTeX macros e.g. { 'name': 'expansion', ... }
markdown.extension.list.indentationSizeadaptiveUse different indentation size for ordered and unordered list
markdown.extension.orderedList.autoRenumbertrueAuto fix list markers as you edits
markdown.extension.orderedList.markerorderedOr one: always use 1. as ordered list marker
markdown.extension.preview.autoShowPreviewToSidefalseAutomatically show preview when opening a Markdown file.
markdown.extension.print.absoluteImgPathtrueConvert image path to absolute path
markdown.extension.print.imgToBase64falseConvert images to base64 when printing to HTML
markdown.extension.print.includeVscodeStylesheetstrueWhether to include VSCode's default styles
markdown.extension.print.onFileSavefalsePrint to HTML on file save
markdown.extension.print.themelightTheme of the exported HTML
markdown.extension.print.validateUrlstrueEnable/disable URL validation when printing
markdown.extension.syntax.decorationstrueAdd decorations to ~~strikethrough~~ and code span
markdown.extension.syntax.decorationFileSizeLimit50000Don't render syntax decorations if a file is larger than this size (in byte/B)
markdown.extension.syntax.plainThemefalseA distraction-free theme
markdown.extension.tableFormatter.enabledtrueEnable GFM table formatter
markdown.extension.toc.downcaseLinktrueForce the TOC links to be lowercase
markdown.extension.toc.slugifyModegithubSlugify mode for TOC link generation (vscode, github, gitlab or gitea)
markdown.extension.toc.omittedFromToc{}Lists of headings to omit by project file (e.g. { '': ['# Introduction'] })
markdown.extension.toc.levels1..6Control the heading levels to show in the table of contents.
markdown.extension.toc.orderedListfalseUse ordered list in the table of contents.
markdown.extension.toc.plaintextfalseJust plain text.
markdown.extension.toc.unorderedList.marker-Use -, * or + in the table of contents (for unordered list)
markdown.extension.toc.updateOnSavetrueAutomatically update the table of contents on save.


Q: Error 'command 'markdown.extension.onXXXKey' not found'

In most cases, it is because VSCode needs a few seconds to load this extension when you open a Markdown file for the first time. (You will see a message 'Activating Extensions...' on the status bar.)

If you still see this 'command not found' error after waiting for a long time, please try to restart VSCode (or reinstall this extension1 if needed). Otherwise feel free to open a new issue on GitHub.

1. uninstall this extension, restart VSCode (important!) and then reinstall

Q: Which Markdown syntax is supported?

  • Tables, strikethrough and task lists (from GitHub Flavored Markdown)
  • Math support (from KaTeX)

For other Markdown syntax, you need to install the corresponding extensions from VSCode marketplace (e.g. Mermaid diagram, emoji, footnotes and superscript). Once installed, they will take effect in VSCode and also the exported HTML file.

Q: This extension has overridden some of my key bindings (e.g. Ctrl + B, Alt + C)

You can easily manage key bindings with VSCode's 'Keyboard Shortcuts' page. (Commands provided by this extension have prefix markdown.extension.)

Q: The extension is unresponsive, causing lag etc. (performance issues)

From experience, there is a good chance that the performance issues are caused by other extensions (e.g., some spell checker extensions).

To find out the root cause, you can install our development build (debug.vsix) and create a CPU profile following this official instruction from the VS Code. And then please open a GitHub issue with that profile (.cpuprofile.txt) attached.


See CHANGELOG for more information.

Latest Development Build

Download it here, please click the latest passing event to download artifacts. There are two versions: markdown-all-in-one-*.vsix is the regular build, while debug.vsix is used to create a verbose CPU profile.

To install, execute Extensions: Install from VSIX... in the VS Code Command Palette (ctrl + shift + p)


  • File bugs, feature requests in GitHub Issues.
  • Leave a review on Visual Studio Marketplace.
  • Buy me a coffee ☕ (via PayPal, Alipay or WeChat).

Special thanks to the collaborator @Lemmingh and all other contributors.


PlantUML - Wikipedi

  1. PlantUML is an open-source tool allowing users to create diagrams from a plain text language. Besides various UML diagrams, PlantUMl has support for various other Software development related formats (such as Archimate, Block diagram, BPMN, C4, Computer network diagram, ERD, Gantt chart, Mind map, and WBD), as well as visualisation of JSON and YAML files
  2. PlantUML really does have precise syntax, which can help you create diagrams faster with better efficiency. Summary. Most companies, especially large organizations with complex software, need to model, map, and manage their software with industry-standard UML diagrams. PlantUML supports the most popular kinds of UML diagrams and should suit most needs
  3. g diagram; And also: Activity diagram (legacy syntax) Archimate diagram; Gantt charts; SALT UI mockups; Furthermore
  4. plantuml.includepaths: Specifies the include paths besides source folder and the diagramsRoot. Export Settings: plantuml.diagramsRoot: Specifies where all diagram files located (relative to workspace folder). plantuml.exportOutDir: Exported workspace diagrams will be organized in this directory (relative path to workspace folder)

Create UML Diagrams using PlantUML JetBrains Blo

  1. PlantText UML Editor. PlantText is an online tool that quickly generates images from text. Primarily, it is used to generate UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagrams. It is based on a text language called PlantUML. PlantText- The expert's design tool
  2. PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write. This is cheat sheet of PlantUML to use frequently. Basic Common. Notes and Comments
  3. Locate PlantUML for Confluence via search. Results include app versions compatible with your Confluence instance. Click Install to download and install your app. You're all set! Click Close in the Installed and ready to go dialog. To find older PlantUML for Confluence versions compatible with your instance, you can look through our version history page
  4. plantuml has 14 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub
  5. Change plantuml.jar should to the trick (although I do not know how to do it on the idea plugin). Your comment on this answer: Your name to display (optional)
  6. Download plantuml for free. PlantUml allows to quickly create some UML diagram using a simple textual description language
  7. C4-PlantUML. C4-PlantUML combines the benefits of PlantUML and the C4 model for providing a simple way of describing and communicate software architectures - especially during up-front design sessions - with an intuitive language using open source and platform independent tools.. C4-PlantUML includes macros, stereotypes, and other goodies (like VSCode Snippets) for creating C4 diagrams.

GitHub - plantuml/plantuml: Generate UML diagram from

(You can check by using the PlantUML command-line option -printfonts.) Applies to: All diagrams. Example: DefaultMonospacedFontName Papyrus. DefaultTextAlignment. Usage: DefaultTextAlignment [left | center] The text alignment for all text that does not have alignment set with a skinparam PlantUML is a different diagramming language, which enables you to have custom icons. You may be new to PlantUML so lets start there, we won't be using AzureDevOps in this tip but I will show you PlantUML using AzureDevOps Icons to help you document your Pipelines. In the next post you I will show you how to use PLantUML in Azure DevOps Asciidoctor Diagram depends on external tools to generates images. In most cases it will locate these tools automatically for you by looking for specific executables in each directory in the PATH environment variable. In case you've installed a tool in a way where the executable is not in the PATH, you can override its location manually using document attributes Simple PlantUML - IDE With Python: When it comes to code documentation, in my opinion, everyone involved with software get's thrilled.This is due to two things: Having to write software without a good language reference and intensive internet search is horrible, because every line o Hi, thanks for this wonderful plugin! There is a nice feature of PlantUML which allows you to create links and tooltips in diagrams, making objects clickable, for example: @startuml class Class1 [[{{Click here}}]] @enduml For some reason links do not work in diagrams generated via this plugin (directly)

Plantuml will create only one arrow by default. In my case I needed several arrows each with a different label - CaribeGirl Jun 8 '20 at 14:15 This approach won't work as soon as the classes are populated with different number of items - albert Dec 9 '20 at 10:0 Download PlantUML QEditor for free. A PlantUML editor written in Qt4. A simple editor for PlantUML. Requires PlantUML (and its dependencies, java and graphviz/dot) usage: [-h] [-o OUT] [-s SERVER] filename [filename ] Generate images from plantuml defined files using plantuml server. positional arguments: filename file(s) to generate images from optional arguments:-h, --help: show this help message and exit -o OUT. java -jar plantuml.jar -charset utf-8 -tsvg test.uml will generate the proper image file. > I just found it can be fixed by netbeans startup options. > Add -J-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 at the end of netbeans_default_options', like below: > netbeans_default_options=..

PlantUML to the Rescue. While Visio and both seem like good options, one needs a few bucks after its free trial period and another needs a constant internet connection. That's why PlantUML sounds great if you are just starting and struggling to make a decision. PlantUML takes on the chore of diagramming a bit differently

csharp-to-plantuml README. Create class diagrams of PlantUML from C# source code. Requirements.NET Core SDK 2.1 or newer..NET Core 3.1 Runtime; Extension Settings. csharp2plantuml.inputPath Specify a input folder (relative to workspace folder) csharp2plantuml.outputPath Specify a output folder (relative to workspace folder) csharp2plantuml.publi I can only assume that PlantUML tries to be as UML-like as possible. While it is possible to add long descriptions ([...]) to elements, I'm almost certain it was intended only for certain element types (e.g. activity elements, use cases, etc.), which generally do not contain sub-elements.However, for more formal diagrams, any text required to annotate or further explain a concept should be. PlantUml library upgrade to v1.2020.26 Option to name diagram files based on their title instead of page number (enabled by default) Moved settings under Languages and Frameworks

Come PlantUML and GitLab rendering to the rescue: GitLab allows you to inline PlantUML diagrams directly into your Markdown files and they will be rendered on the fly when viewing the files in the browser. One other benefit PlantUML has over the mentioned tools is that by defining your diagrams in plain text you make them diff-able in pull. PlantUML is an open-source tool and syntax for creating diagrams from plain-text definitions. You use simple text syntax to describe a type of diagram, as well as the elements which make up the. PlantUML is an open-source tool and syntax for creating diagrams from plain-text definitions. You use simple text syntax to describe a type of diagram, as well as the elements which make up the. WinPlantUml is an adaptation of the famous PlantUML project for easy installation on Microsoft Windows®. With this software, you can draw professional UML diagrams by simple commands in a text file

In this video, I'll show you what is PlantUML and how you can use it to generate UML diagrams (with VIM)Vim-plug: Pla.. The PlantUML Class Diagram Generator is a tool that produces PlantUML Class diagrams from annotated Java source code. It produces nice-looking, ready-to use diagrams that are easy to include into. PlantUML software is free but unfortunately we do have to earn something somehow. Note that we have just slightly decreased the level of ads. Our patreons have access to an ads-free version of the documentation website. If you just send an email to we would be glad to offer you such an access so that you can see how it looks.

Adding PlantUML to your Markdown. With the extension installed, you can now insert UML diagrams using PlantUML language. An example: ## uml: sequence diagram Here I will embed PlantUML markup to generate a sequence diagram. I can include as many plantuml segments as I want in my Markdown, and the diagrams can be of any type supported by PlantUML Generate UML diagrams in your browser directly from PlantUML code. Download created diagrams or share them directly with your team A collaborative UML editor powered by PlantUML. Be sure to check the official PlantUML docs to check what you can do, and choose a unique session name to avoid unwanted collaborators Just share the URL with the people you want to collaborate with I use Azure DevOps wikis a lot and I love me some PlantUML diagrams - they're far easier to maintain than dragging lines and boxes around.. Unfortunately, Azure DevOps wiki doesn't support PlantUML. There's Mermaid.js support but it's a pretty old version that doesn't support newer diagram types so it's very limited. They're being very slow to update to the latest Mermaid.js. About PLANTUML Files. Our goal is to help you understand what a file with a *.plantuml suffix is and how to open it. The PlantUML file type, file format description, and Mac, Windows, and Linux programs listed on this page have been individually researched and verified by the FileInfo team.We strive for 100% accuracy and only publish information about file formats that we have tested and.

PlantUML - Visual Studio Marketplac

  1. We like PlantUML for creating these diagrams because it allows expressing the intent behind the diagrams in a clear textual form, without having to fiddle with overloaded graphical tools. Having a textual form also allows versioning and storage alongside the source code
  2. As there is plenty of good example syntax on the main PlantUML main site which is easy to understand, I will skip about how the syntax. After you get to know the syntax for PlantUML, just open your project folder in VS Code and create a file with .puml file type and start writing your UML code
  3. dmaps, gantt). It has a simple intuitive syntax that makes it quick and easy to create/share/modify such diagrams. PlantUMLStdlib is not so well known. A simple intuitive syntax makes it quick and easy to create diagrams with icons
  4. Real World PlantUML - Samples of PlantUML. This site has different variety of PlantUML examples with rendered images
  5. Sous-titré en français!!! This is a short tutorial on how to use PlantUML inside of VisualStudio Code with the PlantUML extension. More info below:1:00 Note:..
  6. This post is for everyone that likes to write AsciiDoc in VS Code but also wants to inline PlantUML diagrams within their docs. In a previous post about diagrams with PlantUML I gave an intro into PlantUML and how to preview images in VS Code. With the latest release of the asciidoctor plugin for VS Code it is possible to easily preview embedded PlantUML images within AsciiDocs

PlantText UML Edito

PlantUML does not implement all InteractionOperator kinds, but you can use the group box to put in the name of any InteractionOperator you want. Skinparam: Even though these skinparams start with Group they apply to all frames How to use PlantUML with Markdown. PlantUML is a really awesome way to create diagrams by writing code instead of drawing and dragging visual elements. Markdown is a really nice documentation tool. Here's how I combine the two, to create docs with embedded diagrams plantuml_epstopdf Path to epstopdf executable. (default: 'epstopdf') plantuml_syntax_error_image Should plantuml generate images with render errors. (default: False) plantuml_cache_path Directory where image cache is stored. (default: '_plantuml') plantuml_batch_size (EXPERIMENTAL) Run plantuml The package provides support for rendering UML diagrams using the syntax and tools of PlantUML. The PlantUML syntax is very short and thus enables quickly specifying UML diagrams

When PlantUML integration is enabled and configured in GitLab you can create diagrams in AsciiDoc and Markdown documents created in snippets, wikis, and repositories. PlantUML Server. Before you can enable PlantUML in GitLab; set up your own PlantUML server to generate the diagrams. Docker. With Docker, you can just run a container like this PlantUML lets you specify your UML diagrams in a text format, which is quite a handy shortcut for programmers. allows you to insert PlantUML and Graphviz DOT code and automatically adds the diagram image to the drawing area This plugin makes conveniently utilizes PlantUML on your IntelliJ project. Features. Editor supports. (ex: syntax highlighting, references, refactoring and code formatting) Dynamically diagram image rendering. File list viewer of PlantUML file in project. For more information, please visit The documentation

PlantUML DrawUM

  • If you've ever spent any time reading through documentation, you'll understand the value of a well-placed diagram. It's a way to cement understanding and explain complex ideas more easily than in text. In this article you'll learn how to use PlantUML within a GitLab wiki, to provide a collaborative way to create diagrams and keep them up to date. 1. Oveview Unfortunately wiki services often.
  • g a bit differently
  • PlantUML is open-source UML based tool that has a coding language that can be used to generate documentation. It's very straight forward with choco. If you don't have choco then you should install it straight away and use it to install all your tools, as it is very easy to keep up to date with a simple command. choco install plantuml
  • PlantUML is a program which transforms text into UML diagrams. This package allows for embedding PlantUML diagrams using the PlantUML source. Currently, this project runs with lualatex only. Check issue #1 for the current state of affairs for support pdflatex. Preconditions. Environment variable PLANTUML_JAR set to the location of plantuml.jar

PlantUML for Confluence Atlassian Marketplac

PlantUML Diagrams for Confluence provides a PlantUML image generation service that stores your text and images directly in your Confluence instance (none of your data is stored elsewhere). The app also supports Graphviz DOT diagram generation alias plantuml='java -jar /usr/bin/plantuml.jar' Reload your profile ( source ~/.zshrc ) and then you can create PlantUML diagram using: plantuml helloworld.wsd Creating a flow diagram. I have got a blog post in draft, for which I created the following architecture diagram. Why don't we try to convert this into a PlantUML diagram

plantuml · GitHu

  • PlantUML is an open-source tool allowing users to create UML and other diagrams from a plain text language. Diagrams are defined using a simple and intuitive language. This can be used within many other tools. Images can be generated in PNG, in SVG or LaTeX format
  • PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write many UML diagrams using a simple and intuitive language
  • I use PlantUML a lot. It's what I use for drawing all sorts of diagrams and it's handy because of its easy markup (once you get used to it) while making things easy to maintain as projects grow (thanks to version control) This gist explains how I do my PlantUML workspace in a project
  • Render PlantUML diagrams in wiki pages Description. This plugin allows the integration of PlantUML on Trac wiki pages, where the diagrams are dynamically generated and embedded
  • PlantUML is a component that allows to quickly write : * sequence diagram, * use case diagram, * class diagram, * activity diagram, * component diagram, * state diagram * object diagra
  • By default, html img title attribute is set to PlantUML Graph. You can specify your own graph title like this: <uml title=This will be the title> <uml t=Diagram>

Download PlantUml - An intuitive application that helps users create UML diagrams via a description language, and save the generated diagram to PNG or SVG file forma node-plantuml. A Node.js module and CLI for running PlantUML.. PlantUML is a popular diagramming tool that uses simple textual descriptions to draw UML diagrams. With the API provided by this module you can easily generate PlantUML diagrams directly from your Node.js application PlantUML does support the concept of an !include directive to include fragments, but this can become complicated. What we really want to do is create a model of our software architecture, and then visualise it from different angles. The Structurizr DSL is an open source project that lets you do just this

PlantUML in VS Code with Markdown Preview Enhanced. There's an online demo server which you can use to view PlantUML diagrams. The whole diagram is compressed into the URL itself and diagram data is stored in PNG metadata, so you can fetch it even from a downloaded image Plantuml: Naoum, Jordan: Selecteer uw cookievoorkeuren We gebruiken cookies en vergelijkbare tools om uw winkelervaring te verbeteren, onze services aan te bieden, te begrijpen hoe klanten onze services gebruiken zodat we verbeteringen kunnen aanbrengen, en om advertenties weer te geven Drawing UML with PlantUML Language Reference Guide (Version 8023) PlantUML is an Open Source project that allows to quickly write: • Sequence diagram, • Usecase diagram, • Class diagram, • Activity diagram, • Component diagram, • State diagram, • Object diagram. Diagrams are defined using a simple and intuitive language

Database modeling - PlantUML Q&

  • g tool, which takes a markdown type text file and converts it into an image of a diagram. The reason why you might use plantuml is for several reasons:. Sometimes it's easier to use text markdown then a full fledge GUI diagram
  • PlantUML je označení doménově specifického jazyka a patřičného překladače, které slouží k vytváření diagramů typu UML na základě zdrojového kódu ukládaného jako prostý text.Nástroj je napsaný v Javě a tedy poměrně přenositelný, mj. spustitelný na Linuxu a Microsoft Windows.Pro samotné vykreslování grafů využívá Graphviz
  • PlantUml Dependency allows to parse Java source files to generate a PlantUML description, allowing to draw the UML class diagram associated to the source code

plantuml download SourceForge


Add support for PlantUML. Azure DevOps services-wiki. Cengiz Ilerler reported Sep 25, 2019 at 11:18 AM . Show comments 53. Add comment. 10 |40000 characters needed characters left characters exceeded. Viewable by All Microsoft Only. Antoine Lefebvre Sep 25, 2019 at 12:08 PM.

C4-PlantUML - awesomeopensource

Markdown Vs Html

  • All Skin Parameters — Ashley's PlantUML Doc 0
  • Build Diagrams with PlantUML - Azure DevOps
  • Asciidoctor Diagram Asciidocto
  • Simple PlantUML - IDE With Python : 4 Steps - Instructable
  • PlantUML Viewer - Chrome Web Stor

Vs Code Markdown Preview