Selenium Valence Electrons

Microbiology: Help and Review Middle School Life Science: Homework Help Resource How many dots would be present on a Lewis symbol...

Dipoles & Dipole Moments: Molecule Polarity Step-1: First, find the atomic number of selenium from periodic table.

It is 24 inches taller than a rockhopper penguin. Selenium specifically has an electron configuration of 2-8-18-6. From periodic table ,we see that the atomic number of selenium is 34. Step-1: First, find the atomic number of selenium from periodic table. Valence electrons a. occupy the inner, or at... Login to reply the answers Post; leadford. How many valence electrons does selenium have? 1.

Holt Chemistry: Online Textbook Help Therefore, six electrons are on its valence shell. Choose the correct answer: Double and triple bonds...

- Lesson for Kids It all depends on shells accepting an amount of electrons. Middle School Life Science: Tutoring Solution How Many Valence Electrons Does Selenium (Se) Have?||Number of Valence Electrons in Selenium(Se) Now we are going to know how many valence electrons selenium have in just 5 steps. Selenium. +2. hence, 5 valence electrons. ...' in Chemistry if there is no answer or all answers are wrong, use a search bar and try to find …

Selenium compounds have been found that have valences of -2, 4, and 6. How Many Valence Electrons Does Selenium Have? just count the electrons in the highest period. Two electrons in its outermost (and only) shell, two Helium only has two electrons, both of which fill its 's'. Valence Electrons and Energy Levels of Atoms of Elements Exceptions to Independent Assortment: Sex-Linked and Sex-Limited Traits It's 3d orbital is full (d^10), but you only count the 4s and 4p orbital in this case.

its for science. As element 34, it has 34 electrons. Comment; Complaint; Link; Know the Answer? 5 Answers. the number of valence electrons can be easily deduced from the electronic configuration of the element.

Selelenium has got six valence electrons. Selenium is in the same column as oxygen, so it has the same number of valence electrons (6). Selenium is in the same column as oxygen, so it has the same number of valence electrons (6).

Valence electrons of selenium will be placed in s and p-orbitals. Explanation: Valence electrons are defined as the electrons present in the last shell of any element. 34 configuration - 3d10 4s2 4p4 orbital = 3rd orbital. Indeed, the toxicity level of selenium to humans was established only 20 years ago by studies of Chinese victims of selenium poisoning, selenosis, who grew corn on selenium rich coal rocks. Selenosis has some lovely symptoms: a garlic odor on the breath, hair loss, sloughing of nails, fatigue, irritability, and eventually cirrhosis of the liver.

It will show each layer. The Periodic Table: Properties of Groups and Periods

Try it risk-free for 30 days It accepts electrons, rather than releases them. around the world To identify an element's valence or outermost electrons, you can refer to its group number on the periodic table.

How many valence electrons does a carbon atom... The six electrons in the outermost shell allow selenium to have a variety of valence numbers. EarlHow do you think about the answers? How many valence electrons does fluorine have? Which of the following is true? Selenium is in the same column as oxygen, so it has the same number of valence electrons (6). The Quantum Mechanical Model: Definition & Overview Lewis Structures: Single, Double & Triple Bonds

Anonymous answered . Carbon has four valence electrons, and oxygen has six valence electrons. If carbon and oxygen bond covalentlyWhich of these items best describes the arrangement of electrons in an atom of sulfur? Selenium is Atominc number: 34 It has 6 Valence electrons Therefore you take 6 from 34: 28 core electrons Electron Orbital: Definition, Shells & Shapes The atomic mass of selenium is approximately 79 grams per mole. Metalloid Elements on the Periodic Table: Definition & Properties Selenium is a chemical element with atomic number 34.


The symbol of selenium is 34. Reactivity: Definition & Examples Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions.© copyright 2003-2020 2+8+18 is 28. CSET Science Subtest I - General Science (215): Practice & Study Guide Physics: High School General Studies Health Science: Help & Review 0 2 0. Relevance.

Selenium Valence Electron Configuration

Valence electrons are characteristics of metals. Atomic Radius: Definition, Formula & Example Human Anatomy & Physiology: Help and Review Selenium has 6 valence electrons. in the case of Sb, the highest period is 5 and it has 5 electrons (2 from 5S and 3 from 5P). Helium is located in period 1, group 18 of the Periodic Table and has an atomic number equal to 2. High School Biology: Tutoring Solution Cell Biology Study Guide

Chemistry: High School

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Element Selenium - Se

Comprehensive data on the chemical element Selenium is provided on this page; including scores of properties, element names in many languages, most known nuclides of Selenium. Common chemical compounds are also provided for many elements. In addition technical terms are linked to their definitions and the menu contains links to related articles that are a great aid in one's studies.

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Overview of Selenium

  • Atomic Number: 34
  • Group: 16
  • Period: 4
  • Series: Nonmetals

Selenium's Name in Other Languages

  • Latin: Selenium
  • Czech: Selen
  • Croatian: Selenij
  • French: Sélénium
  • German: Selen - r
  • Italian: Selenio
  • Norwegian: Selen
  • Portuguese: Selênio
  • Russian: Селен
  • Spanish: Selenio
  • Swedish: Selen

Atomic Structure of Selenium

Selenium Dioxide Valence Electrons

  • Atomic Radius: 1.22Å
  • Atomic Volume: 16.45cm3/mol
  • Covalent Radius: 1.16Å
  • Cross Section (Thermal Neutron Capture) σa/barns: 11.7
  • Crystal Structure: Hexagonal
  • Electron Configuration:
    1s2 2s2p6 3s2p6d10 4s2p4
  • Electrons per Energy Level: 2,8,18,6
    Shell Model
  • Ionic Radius: 0.5Å
  • Filling Orbital: 4p4
  • Number of Electrons (with no charge): 34
  • Number of Neutrons (most common/stable nuclide): 45
  • Number of Protons: 34
  • Oxidation States: ±2,4,6
  • Valence Electrons: 4s2p4
    Electron Dot Model

Chemical Properties of Selenium

  • Electrochemical Equivalent: 0.7365g/amp-hr
  • Electron Work Function: 5.9eV
  • Electronegativity: 2.55 (Pauling); 2.48 (Allrod Rochow)
  • Heat of Fusion: 6.694kJ/mol
  • Incompatibilities:
    Acids, strong oxidizers, chromium trioxide, potassium bromate, cadmium
  • Ionization Potential
    • First: 9.752
    • Second: 21.19
    • Third: 30.82
  • Valence Electron Potential (-eV): 120

Physical Properties of Selenium

  • Atomic Mass Average: 78.96
  • Boiling Point: 958K 685°C 1265°F
  • Coefficient of lineal thermal expansion/K-1: 36.9E-6
  • Conductivity
    Electrical: 1.0E-12 106/cm Ω
    Thermal: 0.0204 W/cmk
  • Density: 4.79g/cc @ 300K
  • Description:
    Dark gray lustrous rods or dark red crystals of non-metal. Burns in contact with air but is unaffected by water. Disolves in alkalis and concentrated HNO3.
  • Elastic Modulus:
    • Bulk: 8.3/GPa
    • Rigidity: 3.7/GPa
    • Youngs: 58/GPa
  • Enthalpy of Atomization: 205.9 kJ/mole @ 25°C
  • Enthalpy of Fusion: 6.69 kJ/mole
  • Enthalpy of Vaporization: 26.3 kJ/mole
  • Flammablity Class: Combustible Solid
  • Freezing Point:see melting point
  • Hardness Scale
    • Brinell: 736 MN m-2
    • Mohs: 2
  • Heat of Vaporization: 37.7kJ/mol
  • Melting Point: 494K 221°C 430°F
  • Molar Volume: 16.42 cm3/mole
  • Optical Refractive Index: 1.000895
  • Physical State (at 20°C & 1atm): Solid
  • Specific Heat: 0.32J/gK
  • Vapor Pressure = 0.695Pa@221°C

Regulatory / Health

  • CAS Number
    • 7782-49-2 powder
  • UN/NA ID and ERG Guide Number
    • 2658 / 152 powder
  • RTECS: VS7700000
  • OSHAPermissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
    • TWA: 0.2 mg/m3
  • OSHA PEL Vacated 1989
    • TWA: 0.2 mg/m3
  • NIOSHRecommended Exposure Limit (REL)
    • TWA: 0.2 mg/m3
    • IDLH: 1 mg/m3
  • Routes of Exposure: Inhalation; Ingestion; Skin and/or eye contact
  • Target Organs: Eyes, skin, respiratory system, liver, kidneys, blood, spleen
  • Levels In Humans:
    Note: this data represents naturally occuring levels of elements in the typical human, it DOES NOT represent recommended daily allowances.
    • Blood/mg dm-3: 0.171
    • Bone/p.p.m: 1-9
    • Liver/p.p.m: 0.35-2.4
    • Muscle/p.p.m: 0.42-1.9
    • Daily Dietary Intake: 0.006-0.2 mg
    • Total Mass In Avg. 70kg human: 10-65 mg

Who / Where / When / How

  • Discoverer: Jöns J. Berzelius
  • Discovery Location: Stockholm Sweden
  • Discovery Year: 1817
  • Name Origin:
    Greek: Selênê (Moon)
  • Abundance of Selenium:
    • Earth's Crust/p.p.m.: 0.05
    • Seawater/p.p.m.:
      • Atlantic Suface: 4.6E-08
      • Atlantic Deep: 1.8E-07
      • Pacific Surface: 1.5E-08
      • Pacific Deep: 1.65E-07
    • Atmosphere/p.p.m.: N/A
    • Sun (Relative to H=1E12): N/A
  • Sources of Selenium:
    Obtained as a by-product of lead, copper and nickel refining. World wide annual production is around 600 tons. Primary mining areas are Canada, USA, Bolivia and Russia.
  • Uses of Selenium:
    Used in photoelectric cells, TV cameras, as a semiconductor in solar batteries, light meters, copy machines, anti-dandruff shampoo and rectifiers. Also colors glass red.
  • Additional Notes:
    A dose of selenium as small as 5 mg per day can be lethal for many humans.

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A list of reference sources used to compile the data provided on our periodic table of elements can be found on the main periodic table page.

Related Resources

  • Anatomy of the Atom
    Answers many questions regarding the structure of atoms.
  • Molarity, Molality and Normality
    Introduces stoichiometry and explains the differences between molarity, molality and normality.
  • Molar Mass Calculations and Javascript Calculator
    Molar mass calculations are explained and there is a JavaScript calculator to aid calculations.
  • Chemical Database
    This database focuses on the most common chemical compounds used in the home and industry.

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Kenneth Barbalace. Periodic Table of Elements - Selenium - Se. 1995 - 2021. Accessed on-line: 4/24/2021

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<a href=''>echo Periodic Table of Elements: Selenium - Se (</a>- Comprehensive information for the element Selenium - Se is provided by this page including scores of properties, element names in many languages, most known nuclides and technical terms are linked to their definitions.


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