Number Of Electrons In Silicon

Question #51981

  1. Number Of Core Electrons In Silicon
  2. What Is The Electron Configuration Of Silicon
  3. The Number Of Valence Electrons In Silicon Is

1 Answer


Name: Silicon Symbol: Si Atomic Number: 14 Atomic Mass: 28.0855 amu Melting Point: 1410.0 °C (1683.15 K, 2570.0 °F) Boiling Point: 2355.0 °C (2628.15 K, 4271.0 °F) Number of Protons/Electrons: 14 Number of Neutrons: 14 Classification: Metalloid Crystal Structure: Cubic Density @ 293 K: 2.329 g/cm 3 Color: grey Atomic Structure. Assertion: The number of electrons in a p-type silicon semiconductor is less than the number of electrons in a pure silicon semiconductor at room temperature. Reason: It is due to law of mass action. Silicon is a chemical element with the symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is a hard, brittle crystalline solid with a blue-grey metallic lustre, and is a tetravalent metalloid and semiconductor.

For starters, grab a Periodic Table and look for silicon, #'Si'#. You should find it in period 3, group 14.

Silicon's configuration is 1s2, 2s2, 2p2. There are three sub-shells in the p orbital, and two electrons can fit in each shell, however, electrons don't pair up in these shells unless each. Although the silicon atom has 14 electrons, their natural orbital arrangement allows only the outer four of these to be given to, accepted from, or shared with other atoms. These outer four electrons are called 'valence' electrons and they play an immensely important role in producing the photovoltaic effect.

Now, notice that silicon has an atomic number equal to #14#. This means that a neutral silicon atom has #14# protons inside its nucleus and #14# electrons surrounding its nucleus.

In your case, you need to find the set of quantum numbers that describe the #'13th'# electron in a neutral silicon atom.

To do that, use the fact that the Periodic Table can be organized in blocks.

In your case, the last#2#electrons added to a neutral silicon atom are located in the #p#block.

This means that these electrons will have the angular momentum quantum number, #l#, equal to #1#.

Number Of Core Electrons In Silicon


#l = 1 ->#describes an electron located in the#p#block

What Is The Electron Configuration Of Silicon


The Number Of Valence Electrons In Silicon Is

Download fallout 1 mac. The period in which silicon is located will give you the value of the principal quantum number, #n#. In your case, silicon is located in period#3#, so the principal quantum number will be equal to #3#.

#n = 3 ->#describes an electron located on the third energy level

Now, in order to find the magnetic quantum number, #m_l#, which gives you the orientation of the orbital in which the electron is located, you need to use the fact that the #p#subshell can hold a total of three #p#orbitals.

#l = 1 implies m_l = { (-1 -> 'the p'_xcolor(white)(.)'orbital'), (color(white)(+)0 -> 'the p'_zcolor(white)(.)'orbital'), (+1 -> 'the p'_ycolor(white)(.)'orbital') :}#

In your case, the #'13th'# electron will be added to the first empty#3p#orbital, which, by convention, will have #m_l = -1#.

#m_l = -1 ->#describes and electron located in a#p_x#orbital

Finally, the spin quantum number, #m_s#, which tells you the spin of the electron, is equal to

#m_s = {( +1/2 -> 'the electron is added to an empty orbital'), ( -1/2 -> 'the electron is added to a half-filled orbital') :}#

Since the #'13th'# is added to the first empty#3p_x# orbital, you can say that you have

#m_s = +1/2 ->#describes and electron that has spin-up

Download lightroom cc mac. Therefore, you can say that the quantum number set that describes the #'13th'# electron in a neutral silicon atom is

#n = 3, l= 1, m_l = -1, m_s = +1/2#

This electron is located on the third energy level, in the#3p#subshell, in the#3p_x#orbital, and has spin-up

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