Tinymce Markdown

Rich text editor is a core part of management system, but at the same time is a place with lots of problems. In the process of selecting rich texts, I also walked a lot of detours. The common rich text editors in the market are basically used, and the finally chose Tinymce.

Here is a brief introduction to the reasons why tinymce is recommended: tinymce is a veteran to do rich text company(Here also recommended ckeditor, is also a company that has been doing rich text, the new version is very good), its products have stood the test of the market, and it has detailed documentation and rich configuration. One of the keys to using rich text is to copy formatting. Before using a Korean text rich summernote, It wasted me a lot of time, very unfriendly. But tinymce's formatting is pretty good. It also has a value-added feature is powerpaste, it is extremely powerful, support for copying everything from word or any other place. Extensibility is also critical for rich text. I use tinymce to write several plug-ins, learning costs and ease of study are good, and very easy to expand. The last point is that the documentation is very good, basically you want to get the configuration item, it has. Tinymce also supports on-demand loading, you can customize plugins through its official build page.

Let me analyze some of the other rich texts on the market:

  • summernote Let me start with a rich text that I definitely would not recommend.It is inconsistent with many recognized default behaviors between others. And only for the use of a dialog feature, they import the bootstrap, A bunch of people protest. Formatting is also very bad. Do not use anyway! Do not use it! Do not use it!

  • ckeditor Ckeditor is also a veteran company to do rich text,I used to use it in company project.This year, the 5.0 version of the UI has also become more beautiful, quite good, and it has the richest plugins. It's recommended that you try it.

  • quill Is also a very hot rich text, the skin is very elegant. Writing a plug-in based on it is also very simple. The API design is very cool. The reason I did not choose it was because it was not good for operation picture and was hard to change. If there is no operation of the picture of the user, it is recommended.

  • medium-editor The famous medium rich text (unofficial produced), but the degree of completion is still not very good, scalability is not bad. However, I think most users still will not be used medium this way of writing.

  • Squire A relatively light, rich text, compressed only 11.5kb, relative to other rich text is very small, recommended features is not complicated suggestion.

  • UEditor Not used in depth, only a simple project used in the angular1X, but ui really ugly, does not meet the aesthetic today, the official has also been a long time did not go with the new.

  • slate A completely customizable framework for building rich text editors. Slate lets you build rich, intuitive editors like those in Medium, Dropbox Paper or Google Docs—which are becoming table stakes for applications on the web—without your codebase getting mired in complexity. Looks cool, after a chance I will practice in the project try it.


Tinymce also supports on-demand loading, you can customize plugins through its official build page. Let me analyze some of the other rich texts on the market: summernote Let me start with a rich text that I definitely would not recommend.It is inconsistent with many recognized default behaviors between others. Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) introduces a “Classic Paragraph” block for the block editor (Gutenberg). If you are not quite ready to switch to the block editor, or have plugins that cannot be used there (yet), using the Classic Paragraph block is your best option. Do you have any instructions to implement support for Markdown in the 10.x TinyMCE editor? It does not appear to be there by default. There is the 'Text Pattern Plugin' for TinyMCE which should do the job if it can be added without affecting your implementation. TinyMCE based page builder which makes editing of your content easy and simple. A set of new handy tools is integrated into TinyMCE: Bootstrap Editor, File Manager, Image Editor, etc. N1ED Joomla extension upgrades your built-in standalone TinyMCE to TinyMCE powered with a set of add-ons bringing a lot of new features. I’m not understanding why Markdown would deprecate TinyMCE. Markdown is markup, and seemingly more appropriate for the plain text editor. TinyMCE is a visual editor that shows WISYWIG. I could see Markdown markup replacing the HTML markup for the TinyMCE buttons, but the TinyMCE editor would still show WISYWIG. It’s just not making sense to me.

I listed a lot of rich text, but I didn't list any rich text related to vue, mainly because rich text is really more complex than thought. Also said in the previous article, in fact, encapsulation vue components is very convenient, there is no need to use someone else's package of things.What kind of vue-quill vue-editor is just a simple package, no difficulty. You might as well encapsulate it yourself, and be a little more flexible and controllable. In addition vue really doesn't have any good rich text, unlike react has draft produced by facebook, editor produced by ory. Vue doesn't have this product from a big company.

Tinymce Markdown Link

Of course, you can also choose some paid rich text editor, the author's own company has a project in the use of the froala-editor. Whether it is beautiful and easy to use are good, the company bought a professional version, $ 349 a year, the price is also very reasonable, but in fact save the cost of developer development may go far beyond the price.

# Tinymce

Here to briefly talk about the use of Tinymce in you own projects.


The current method of using the global reference. Code in: static/tinymce (The files in the static directory will not be build by webpack), import in index.html .And make sure it's in the order before your app.js!

After v4.2.0+ will dynamic import tinymce by CDN .

If you want to change the cdn address or the version of tinymce, just find tinymce cdn in @/components/Tinymce then modified it. It will be automatically injected into index.html via dynamicLoadScript.

The current use of the npm installation 'Tinymce' method is more complex and has some problems (which may be used in the future). 👾

UsageBecause rich text is not suitable for two-way data, so only watch the content changes once, and then will not be watch again. If later you need to change the rich text content.Can be set by this.refs.xxx.setContent ().

The source code is also very simple, any other needs can be modified in @/components/Tinymce/index.vue.

At present, the following attributes are provided, and there are requirements that can be added by themselves or an issue.

idComponent unique identifierStringDefault to help you generate a unique id
valueRich text contentStringOnly monitor changes once
toolbarRich text toolbarArray[]
menubarRich text menubarString'file edit insert view format table'
heightRich text heightNumber360
widthRich text widthNumber String/

# tinymce-vue

The tinymce official also released the vue version of tinymce-vue, which has helped you package a lot of things, but at the same time it has reduced flexibility. If you are interested, you can study it by yourself.


Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced) introduces a “Classic Paragraph” block for the block editor (Gutenberg).
If you are not quite ready to switch to the block editor, or have plugins that cannot be used there (yet), using the Classic Paragraph block is your best option. It lets you to continue to use the familiar TinyMCE editor for most tasks, and at the same time gives you full access to all blocks and new features in the block editor.

Version 5.5 continues to improve and enhance the new features introduced in version 5.0 of the plugin. It includes an improved “Clear Formatting” button, several advanced settings for tables, and importing and exporting of the settings to a file.

If you want to continue to use the previous (“classic”) editor in WordPress 5.0 and newer, this plugin has an option to replace the new editor with the previous one. If you prefer to have access to both editors side by side or to allow your users to switch editors, it would be better to install the Classic Editor plugin. Advanced Editor Tools is fully compatible with the classic editor plugin and similar plugins that restore use of the previous WordPress editor.

As always this plugin will let you add, remove and arrange the buttons that are shown on the Visual Editor toolbar in the Classic Paragraph and Classic blocks in the block editor, and in the classic editor (when enabled by a plugin). There you can configure up to four rows of buttons including Font Sizes, Font Family, text and background colors, tables, etc.

It includes 15 plugins for TinyMCE that are automatically enabled or disabled depending on the buttons you have chosen.
In addition this plugin adds options for keeping the paragraph tags in text mode and importing the CSS classes from the theme’s editor-style.css.

MarkdownTinymce markdown how to


  • “Classic Paragraph” block that can be used instead of or together with the standard Paragraph block.
  • An option to set the Classic Paragraph or Classic block as the default block in the block editor.
  • Supports converting of most default blocks to classic paragraphs, and from classic paragraphs back to the default blocks.
  • Support for creating and editing tables in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • More options when inserting lists in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • Search and Replace in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • Ability to set Font Family and Font Sizes in the Classic blocks and the classic editor.
  • And many others.


Advanced Editor Tools does not collect or store any user related data. It does not set cookies, and it does not connect to any third-party websites. It only uses functionality that is available in WordPress, and in the TinyMCE editor.

In that terms Advanced Editor Tools does not affect your website’s user privacy in any way.


Best is to install directly from WordPress. If manual installation is required, please make sure that the plugin files are in a folder named “tinymce-advanced” (not two nested folders) in the WordPress plugins folder, usually “wp-content/plugins”.

Tinymce Markdown


I see an error like: “Failed to load plugin from url…”

Tinymce Markdown

These errors are usually caused by the file in question being blocked by some security setting on the server, or (rarely) by caching issues or wrong permissions.

Tinymce Markdown For Bullet

The first step to debug this is to try to access the file directly in the browser (i.e. copy the URL and paste in the browser and press Enter).

If you see the file (that’s usually minified JS, so it is all on one line) chances are it was some sort of caching issue that is now resolved. Try using the editor again.

If you see an HTTP error (like 403 or 500) best would be to contact your web hosting company for help. In some cases deleting and re-installing the plugin may help.

Tables look different (inline styles are missing) when I insert a table

Please see the new (as of version 5.2.0) advanced settings for tables. It is possible to disable use of inline styles for tables but that would make the table non-resizable in the editor. If the advanced tabs on the table, row, and column dialogs are enabled (default), it will still be possible to enter width and height values which are set as inline styles.

No styles are imported in the Formats sub-menu

These styles are imported from your current theme editor-style.css file. However some themes do not have this functionality. For these themes Advanced Editor Tools has the option to let you add a customized editor-style.css and import it into the editor.

I have just installed this plugin, but it does not do anything

Change some buttons on one of the toolbars, save your changes, clear your browser cache, and try again. If that does not work try reloading the Edit page several times while holding down Shift. There may also be a network cache somewhere between you and your host. You may need to wait for a few hours until this cache expires.

When I add “Smilies”, they do not show in the editor

The “Emoticons” button in TinyMCE adds the codes for the smilies. The actual images are added by WordPress when viewing the Post. Make sure the checkbox “Convert emoticons to graphics on display” in “Options – Writing” is checked.


“Users – Your Profile” の下にある “Disable the visual editor when writing” チェックボックスがチェックされていないことを確認してください。

“old” ボタンが編集画面に存在する

Re-save the settings or click the “Restore Default Settings” button on the plugin settings page and then set the buttons again and save.


Using for a bbpress site. Its so useful to have full control over buttons as the users are already presented with so many options. Nice interface, all the options I could ask for.The available emojis really suck though! They look like its 1999. Yes, I know that we have our own emoji keyboard on our devices 😈 but computer users don't know that. I know its crazy but true. The wp-emoji set are really beautiful, why not using them?